Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Muscle Tightness:

Muscle tightness, which has been associated with an increased risk of muscle tears, can be reduced before of after training or competing in sports with dynamic stretching. Competitive sport can have quite an unbalancing effect on the body. Take racket sports for example. The same arm is used to hit thousands of shots over and over again. One side of the body is placed under different types and levels of stress compared to the other. The same is true for sports like soccer where one kicking foot usually predominates. A flexibility program can help to correct these disparities preventing chronic, over-use injury.
Of course, a more flexible person is a more mobile person. It allows enhanced movement and dexterity. Some other benefits may include an increase in body awareness and a promotion of relaxation in muscle groups stretched - both of which may have positive implications for skill acquisition, performance and everyday movement.

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